Sarangan Lake Nature Tourism At the Foot of Mount Lawu Magetan, East Java

Sarangan Lake is located on the border between East Java and Central Java precisely in the western part of Magetan Regency, East Java. If you depart from the city of Magetan then you have to travel approximately 16 kilometers, from Tawangmangu the distance is only about 5 km. Sarangan Lake is located on the slopes of Mount Lawu (3,265 m) which has beautiful mountainous nature. You can make Bali Private Villa Sarangan Lake as an alternative for your vacation this time. There are many interesting natural attractions that can be enjoyed here. This lake and its surroundings offer beautiful and stunning natural scenery for you.

The area of ​​this lake is about 30 ha with a depth of up to 28 m. Sarangan Lake view will spoil your eyes, because you can see the vast lake and green mountains of Sidoramping around the towering Mount Lawu. Coupled with calm lake water and a mirror of the mountains and mountains around it. Looking at the mountains and mountains here also Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak makes you feel more calm and peaceful coupled with the cool mountain air with temperatures around 18-23 degrees Celsius. You can enjoy the cool mountain air because Saraga Lake is located at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level.

On the edge of the lake available water bikes that resemble ducks and boats. This can be a means for those of you who want to surround the lake through water. You can use a speed boat to get around Telaga by paying Rp. 50,000. Or you can go around using a horse or a delman offered by residents around, at a cost of Rp. 50.000, - and route 3 km You can see the other side of the Sarangan Lake area which is quite beautiful. Surely this can please your baby. Or for those of you who want to exercise, you can surround this lake by walking or running. You will also find pine forests on the slopes of the mountains around Lake Sarangan. A cool and beautiful Bali Tour Activity atmosphere will definitely make sports fun.

The area around the lake has been developed into a leading tourist spot. No wonder so many inns available around there. So, no need to worry if you want to stay around the lake. there are tons of jasmine class hotels where you can stay. This competing hotel offers a price that is not too expensive. You can stay in a Bali Accommodation room with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room for around Rp. 500,000 for one night. Or there is also only one room with a cheaper price. This accommodation also provides hot water for bathing and drinking. Generally, this jasmine hotel has 2 floors so you can freely enjoy Sarangan Lake with a wider perspective. You can also find at least 2 star hotels here.

Sarangan Lake is never empty of visitors. Especially on holidays. Once entering the lake area, we will immediately be welcomed by many souvenir traders who sell various handicraft objects and also vegetables and fruits that grow in the mountains. Once satisfied to tour Saraga Lake, before returning you can shop for souvenirs and Bali Villa For Sale souvenirs from Sarangan Lake. You can buy bags, t-shirts or other handicrafts that are the work of the surrounding community. Only by paying the price of admission Rp. 7,500, - for adults and Rp. 5.000, - for children, we can enjoy the beautiful natural attractions of Lake Sarangan.


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