Oemah Bamboe Merapi, Nice Spot To View the Beauty of Merapi and Merbabu Mountain

Travel what you know in Boyolali? may travel in the area Cepogo milking is the most popular tourist spot in Boyolali, we know if this one district does not have many tourist attractions, making Boyolali underestimated by traveler.Oemah Bamboe is one of the attractions which are hits Selo region, Oemah Bamboe located right at the foot of Mount Merapi, precisely above logo plastered New Selo great posts like this are Hollywood.Lokasi Oemah Bamboe altitude of around 1700 masl, making the air in Boyolali tourist spot is quite cool, coupled with many trees and greenery refreshing eyes will always make you linger here. ( Bali Accommodation )

Oemah Bamboe offers a very beautiful view, in these places we can see the magnificent Mount Merbabu which is right in front of our eyes, and Mount Merapi, which becomes the background. Besides location inline with the path climbing Mount Merapi makes this increasingly crowded tourist spots, Oemah Bamboe itself is actually a coffee shop, so we could relax meleihat scenery with friends while enjoying a cup of coffee that is fresh. ( Bali Cheap Accommodation )

Every day, Oemah Bamboe Merapi is always crowded with tourists, especially tourists among young people who are curious about the unique Bali Cheap Hotel sights Boyolali this one, so when you come here? Access to Oemah Bamboe Merapi is practically easy bother, there are two paths to go to the location, including: Hiking Ampel, Boyolali From Semarang please go to Salatiga, once on the roundabout Salatiga (Ramayana) you select the direction towards Kopeng to meet first red light, well at first red light is when you turn right going towards Kopeng and if straight will go to Boyolali, you straight ahead until well into Boyolali. ( Bali Travel Accommodation)

After entry in Boyolali, follow the road was still straight and pass some gas station until you find the Post Motorcycle taxi on the side of the road where the right front of the Post Ojeks that there is fork, go to the T-junction and follow the road until you reach the village of Selo, after entering at the fork so as not to get lost you can ask the local people, because the journey is still very much, until you see the words NEW SELO great on the slopes of Mount Merapi. Strip-Magelang Salatiga Same as above, except that when he arrived at the first red light you turn right towards Kopeng, just follow the road until you come across a fork in again, ie when turning left going towards Ketep Pass and straight toward Magelang. ( Bali Private Villa )

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