The sensation of climbing rocks at Mount Fatule'u

Fatule'u is a stone hill with an altitude of 1111 Mdpl, which is located within the village of Nunsaen, District Fatule'u Central. Fatule'u also has a meaning in Dawan / Atoin Meto which means "Sacred Stone". Seeing this mountain is guaranteed visitors will feel the aura of mysticism, because the bebatuannya look arrogant especially with the climbing track is very steep even almost vertical. It is said that some disasters or major events are always marked specifically on this mountain, which is preceded by an avalanche of stone from the wall or peak. Some examples of major events include the departure of former President Soekarno, former President Soeharto, the earthquake and tsunami of Aceh, as well as many other Bali Best Hotel major events. But it is precisely the mystical aura that is the main attraction for visitors both from within the city and out of town to visit this mountain.

Although the actual panorama of nature and its beauty is not as mystified as its name, even very beautiful up there. For visitors who want to climb this mountain can use the services of a local guide. You can ask the Bali Travel Accommodation guardian father who inhabits the only house located under the foot of this mountain. Usually local small children will always deliver the visitors to climb to the top of the mountain, one of them is Martin Suan. This little guide often deliver visitors even up to 3 times a day can go up and down the mountain. With a very high flying hours, for his strength and agility no doubt. This little boy can run around jumping from one stone to another without doubt and fear. The climb to the summit of Mount Fateleu takes approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the physical of each visitor.

The climbing route to the summit of Mount Fateleu almost entirely bertipikal rock rocks with a slope of about 60-90 degrees. Simply spur the courage, adrenaline and mental of each of its climbers. If visitors intend to climb to the top it is advisable to use appropriate clothes and shoes and be extra careful in choosing a foothold. Typical rocks are quite slippery and easily landslide with relatively strong wind conditions up there, especially if the rainy season. Hopefully in the future this mountain is equipped with supporting facilities for its climbers, which is like the installation of ropes in the climb path is quite vulnerable to landslides to avoid unwanted things. In Mount Fatule'u there are also 3 crosses seen from the edge of the Bali Kuta Resort highway. If the weather is sunny, above the altitude of 1,000 Mdpl visitors can witness a vast expanse of green forests that surround Mt. Fatule'u.

From the top of the hill visitors can also enjoy the panorama of the beauty of Kupang City from a height. It's really the view up there is very comparable with the effort made when climbing this mountain. Paid off! But do not forget for the visitors to not leave anything up there, except the trail. Included in the area of ​​Nunsaen Village, Central Fatule'u Subdistrict, is about 40 km from Kupang regency government center in Bali Tour Activity Oelamasi or approximately 70 kilometers east of Kupang City. Travel time from Kupang City can take up to 1-2 hours duration with paved road conditions smooth. There is no public transportation to the location yet, visitors can use motorcycle taxi service or rent a motor vehicle in the previous Kupang City.

The journey to Mount Fatule'u access is quite easy that visitors simply direct the vehicle following the road to the SoE City. If you have passed Lili Market later there will be crossing and then drive the vehicle to the left. If still in doubt visitors can ask the locals, because almost all residents in the area know where the location of Mount Fatule'u. Shortly thereafter, from the distance will be seen the towering rocks are located on the left side of the road. The cold began to feel when passing through this mountain area. There are several Bali Private Villa supporting facilities such as food stalls, parking lots and lopo-lopo around the location. For visitors who have not brought food and beverage preparation, can buy it at a warung located right in the parking lot location.

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