See The Turtles Life In Watu Leter Beach Malang

Nature pleasant, soothing waves often become the choice of many travelers for a vacation. The unforgiving journey and winding certainly not an obstacle to achieving the desired location. Beaches on the south coast of Malang as if she never ceased to offer the natural beauty of the fabulous beach. Not only that you will get Bali Cheap Accommodation the thrill of exciting adventures in each different beaches. Still in the southern coastal region of Malang, Watu Leter could also be an attractive option for travel. However the location to the beach is not easy. It is located in the hamlet Rowotrate Sitiarjo village, subdistrict Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. Watu Leter is approximately 60 km from the city of Malang. You have to travel for three hours from Malang to reach the site by motor vehicle.

Departing from the city of Malang download towards the south or towards Sumbermanji Wetan. Follow the directions to get to Blue Spring Beach. After finding the fork there is a signpost to the right or to the beach of Goa Bajulmati and China. Location Watu Leter are not far from Goa China. Pantainyapun situation is almost Bali Tour Activity the same except that there are some differences that make Watu Leter more convenient to seek peace. During the journey visitors will be presented with a view of the southern mountains are so beautiful. Winding roads and rice fields and hills will be easily found along the way. However, do not be surprised if on the way you come across the street were broken so hard traversed by motor vehicles.

Especially when the rainy season is certainly slippery roads so motorists need to be careful. Approximately 1 km from the Bridge Bajulmati, the entrance to Goa China will look. To get to the beach Watu Leter China must pass through Goa. Then continue the journey to Watu Leter. Access is difficult pursued further. The streets more narrow and impassable by car. You have to pass through mangroves, past the sharp Bali Kuta Resort rocks and weeds. From here Watu Leter already beginning to show, but to reach the location to be dropped down to about 1.5 meters. You can park the bike here and then continue the journey by foot. Access to the actual Leter Watu can also be taken from Goa Beach China easier. China arrived in Goa you can continue the journey by foot berjalanan about 100 meters to the west. The path of a path with a travel time of 25 minutes.

The journey to Watu Leter is not easy. However, everything will be paid off with the beauty of nature as well as a quieter beach atmosphere. In contrast to China Goa beach, this home is empty of visitors so much cleaner and clearer beaches. Sights calm waves with rocks arising sinking further enhance the beauty of Watu Leter. White sand beaches allow visitors to play around Bali Private Villa the coast. Throughout the eye can see will find some rocks that were at sea and the main attraction on this beach. The existence of this rock formation is also the origin of the name Watu Leter. According to the local people's actual name is taken from one of the cliffs are part of the tip is more flat. In the Java language called leter. Cliff that looked flat does look more prominent among others. Some people also refer to Ngleter Beach.

Watu Leter attractiveness lies not only in its beauty alone. The beach is also a region where the landing to lay eggs. At any given time can also see the release of turtle gray. Travel will be more enjoyable with a closer look at the turtle's life while on land and lay eggs in the sand. Of course, with keeping a distance so that the process of the turtle does not feel disturbed. Location Watu Leter is still very natural and quiet visitors Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak. This location is deemed most appropriate to become a center of turtle conservation and ecotourism. Another attraction around the coast there is a river and mangrove forests. This forest is surrounded by quiet brackish water comes from the river which empties Sitiarjo Leter Watu. Enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the beach while down a river infested mangrove forest by boat.

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