Becici Hill Dlingo | Romanticism Twilight Behind the thick pine

The second day had a team picnic cool to be in Yogyakarta. Really town is always serving hospitality in every corner of the city, this is the sort of thing that makes a picnic cool to linger in the city of education, culture and tourism Yogyakarta. The first day, we have already passed the morning in a pine forest welcomes Mangunan jogja that still leaves memories in our minds. Actually, in the second day we want to further enjoy the Bali Accommodation Seminyak white sand beaches of Yogyakarta, located in a cluster of limestone mountains Gunungkidul. What power nameplate bearing the crest Becici million leaving a question mark in our minds. Picnic cool to set foot in the area of ​​pine forests Becici peak after the clock showed 16:00, well it is a day we've spent the time to enjoy some beach Gunungkidul limestone mountain ranges, namely ngeden beach and beach Ngobaran.

Our vehicle was stopped right at the end of the walkway constructed of cement, several young men parking guides led us to put vehicles among other visitor vehicles more earlier topped Becici. Until diparkiran, we have to move on the ground we discover small footpath toward the middle of the pine forest are still very natural. According to information from the mas mas park, pine forests in Becici peak included in the Bali Tour Activity management area by RPH Mangunan. Unlike the pine forests Mangunan which is designed to travel, Becici peak pine tree is tapped sap. Similar to the pine forest Mangunan, Peak Becici also provided benches kyu mounted between two adjacent pine trees. Simple wooden gazebos are also available there. The most interesting thing at the top Becici is a view post mounted above the pine trees. Viewing post is almost similar in nature kalibiru Kulon Progo.

Becici peak is a great place to capture the moment of sunset or sunset. Since the peak itself is at tembing Becici slightly indented and facing west, so the view of the city of Yogyakarta to the volcano is clearly visible daripuncak This Becici. Actually, there are two routes that can be passed to get to the top of this bantul dlingo Becici. Both jalurpun has good road conditions and is paved. The first route is memalui lane road Bali Private Villa east Imogiri. From the city of Yogyakarta, the journey begins toward the terminal Giwangan Yogyakarta. From the intersection of the terminals, straight south toward the direction of the cemetery of kings in Imogiri. from there travel on to continue on toward Mangunan, through the pine forest Mangunan. straight up. later on the roadside have no clue leading to the top Becici.

The second route is a trip from the Bali Travel Accommodation city of Yogyakarta -then towards Jl. Wonosari. Setrelah up in Gunung Patuk intersection, turn right. Then follow the directions to the area dlingo. After arriving at Pine Forest Sudimoro 1 visitor just follow directions to the summit Becici. Along the way to the top of Becici dlingo, visitors will be spoiled with extraordinary natural scenery. ranging from Yogyakarta city views from an altitude of up to an unspoiled pine forests. Access road to the top is relatively easy to Becici. Bali Cheap Accommodation Visitors can use two-wheeled vehicles or four wheels, it was pretty smooth road only a few are perforated.

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