Menu Serba Eating Mushroom Mushrooms in Bandung

Eating Mushrooms Bandung or better known as the home of this fungus, is presenting a variety of processed mushrooms. The place is located at Jalan Raya Lembang 155, is indeed a unique place. Not just from a place that offers processed mushrooms, but also on processed products that were previously not found in other places. ( bali cheap accommodation )

For fans of mushrooms, Eating Mushroom Bandung is a very obliged to visit. In this place visitors can see at least 30 types of processed mushrooms were obtained from at least five different types of mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms, shitake, oyster mushrooms, mushroom and fungus lingshe.

With a variety of processed and flavor that is delicious, it is said there are many people who do not like and never eat mushrooms suddenly become a fan of mushrooms. It was reasonable, given the mushroom basically have a chewy texture like meat. Texture like this is supposedly capable of trapping the audience of the fungus on the word addiction. Texture is also often used by vegans or vegetarians, or those who started to avoid meat. ( bali cheap hotel )

Unique menu
In general, the fungus is usually processed into vegetable, soup, shupa-shupa, stir fried or mixed with rice. Processed like it very much and is easy to find. But what about the mushroom satay? Heard it just might be surprised, because the sate for Indonesia will always be associated with meat and burning. And what it was like when the fungus is burned? It does not seem much different from beef, but more prominent remain in texture. Texture fungus is famous for its chewy texture, but much more tender than meat. With such a texture, taste the herbs and fungi will probably make another sensation on the tongue. Sate this fungus can be found at Eating Mushroom Bandung.

Based on the research, in addition to delicious to eat, jamut proved to have properties that are good for health. Mushrooms have substances that are important to improve the antibodies or immunity so the fungus can be consumed every day. mushroom was believed very capable of preventing and treating cancer. ( bali best hotel )

However, for those who do not like the processed mushrooms may be due to feelings of worry about the dangers of poisoning, in Bandung Eating Mushroom is also provided a menu of other, no less unique, such as rabbit satay. Even though such concerns really just a subjective matter, because mushrooms are cultivated in this place is deliberately cultivated mushroom consumption. ( bali private villa )

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