The exoticism island of Komodo Indramayu West Java

The exoticism island of Komodo Indramayu West Java

The island of Komodo in Indramayu, West Java Komodo Island is not as popular in Bali Accommodation the Nusa Tenggara Islands. The island has the nickname The Land of Dragon is known as a new paradise for divers.

Komodo Island is located in Indramayu, West Java. To reach the island, visitors must cross the Java Sea and the Port Karangsong Indramayu, West Java. A journey across the Java Sea and Palebuhan Karangsong this takes 3 to 4 hours from Bali Private Villa. Therefore, the journey to the island of Komodo is usually done early in the morning.

The natural scenery on the island of Komodo Indramayu which has an area of ​​about 120 hectares, is still very beautiful and lovely. Given that, the island is still not much visited by tourists. Natural wealth that is still maintained continuity, such as white sand and mangroves that are still green, the main attraction for tourists who first visited the island. Not a few travelers who use the estuary beach Biawak as a fun place to dive or just snorkeling as Bali Tour Activity.

As the name suggests, an island located in Indramayu are inhabited by hundreds of species of lizards. Area lizard in these islands vary in size with a length ranging from 1.5 to 2 meters. This animal is unique, because it can live and breed in saltwater habitats.

One species of reptiles this look familiar to visitors. In fact, for visitors  Bali Cheap Hotel who have the courage enough, it can easily interact with the dragons. It can safely be done, as most lizards here look benign by itself.

Although it looks benign, it does not mean dragons here can be treated arbitrarily. Visitors are not allowed to kill, take it home, or injure the reptile. This is because, the residents around the island still has the confidence to maintain and preserve the natural resources that exist around The Land of the Dragon.

Komodo Island is perfect for travelers who want to hike, outbound, fishing, diving, or just took selfie.

Matters On the island of Komodo
Administratively, the island of Komodo in the territory of the Customs Ilir Village, Indramayu regency. The island is nicknamed The Land of the Dragon is located off the coast of Java Sea, 40 kilometers north of Indramayu. This island area about 120 hectares, divided into two parts, the 80 hectares of mangroves and 40 hectares is forested coastal or inland.

Indramayu Komodo Island is categorized into the island or the virgin forest, because the condition of the island is still beautiful and truly awake. No wonder if all the natural resources available here are still very natural as is as Bali Holiday Villas.

Not only do many dragons that can interact with tourists, on the island of Komodo is also a lighthouse whose age is about 143 years old. This lighthouse was built during the reign of ZM Willem III in 1872. Until today, the lighthouse still standing strong with a height that reaches 65 meters. With a solar-powered beacon, the lighthouse is still widely used by fishermen.

Moreover, here too, there is the tomb of Sheikh Sharif Hassan cleric who is a native of Cirebon who spread Islam in West Java. There are also the tombs of the Netherlands according keeper Komodo Island is the tomb of the founder of the lighthouse on the island.

In addition to the places of tourist interest, the island of Komodo also save some myth that is still believed by local people. Many residents believe if there are tourists who bring, hurt, or even eating lizard meat of this island then it will not be able to find their way home.

Not only that, local residents also believe that there is a lizard which is the care of Mrs Holland since time immemorial. Mrs Holland care lizard has a characteristic style of the necklace her neck that is not owned by the dragons in general.

There is also mention that here too there is a large crab which has a length of up to 30 centimeters. The crab is very slow. However, for those who saw it is forbidden to arrest him. This crab is a magical incarnation of the island caretaker. That said, for anyone who saw the crabs will soon get abundant fortune.

Intrigued by the Indramayu Komodo Island? Come Soon agendakan your vacation time.

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