Enchantment Nature Caringin Tilu Bandung

Enchantment Nature Caringin Tilu Bandung

Have you heard about the tourist attractions Caringin Tilu Bandung? These attractions are not as famous as other natural attractions, but the charm of the sights that this one could be one of the natural attractions that are right for you and your family. Such as what sights on this one? Let's consider the following information.(bali private villa)

Nature tourism Bandung is one of the reasons tourists visiting Bandung. The natural beauty in the area of ​​Bandung was able to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome to linger in Bandung. Not to mention the increasing number now in Bandung travel variation, so that the visitors even had a reason to visit Bandung.

Location Places Caringin Tilu Bandung
Tourist attractions Caringin Tilu Bandung is located in the village Cisayur, Cimenyan village, subdistrict Cimenyan, Kab. Bandung. Its position is about 5 km from Saung Angklung Mang Udjo. Tourist attractions Caringin Tilu or often called Cartil opened since 2002. Naming Tilu Carigin is derived from the Sundanese language means "three banyan". The history of naming itself because it is said there are three first banyan tree. However, the two have been replaced with new banyan tree. At a location near this banyan tree there is also a sacred tomb.(bali best hotel)

Caringin Tilu tourist spot has a very beautiful natural scenery. Its charm can be enjoyed anytime. But, the atmosphere of the most beautiful is the nighttime atmosphere. You can see the view of Bandung from the heights while accompanied by the stars. Very beautiful and romantic is not it?(bali accommodation seminyak)

The natural beauty in Caringin Tilu is not out of the mountains surrounding expanse Cartil and as sustainable. Starting from the West you can see the ranks of the volcano, Patuha, and Malabar. Meanwhile, from the North to the East there is Mount Bongkor, Bukit stumps, Manglayang, Gunung Geulis, and Mandalawangi. These mountains stretched so beautifully Bali Kuta Resort. This is what makes Caringin Tilu is like a puddle. In addition to enjoying the charms of nature, here also you can enjoy a variety of unique culinary Bandung. There are many vendors who sell a variety of needs of the tourists.(bali tour activity)

What are you waiting for? Immediately agendakan to Caringin Tilu nature with family. That information about tourist attractions Caringin Tilu Bandung. Hopefully this information is helpful to you.

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