Beautiful beaches are Ngandong in Yogyakarta

Beautiful beaches are Ngandong in Yogyakarta

It is no secret that the city of Yogyakarta is one of the major tourist destination after Bali. Yogyakarta is famous Malioboro or keratonnya. But make no mistake, the beach in Yogyakarta are also many that are excellent, that gorgeous beach, beach Ngandong. Gunung Kidul Ngandong coast could be one of the must-see tourist attractions. Gunung is known as the location where there are lots of beautiful beaches and amazing. One of them is home. White sand beach with not much visited. This beach was relatively clean, beautiful, natural and pollution-free still. Although not much visited but the beach is no less beautiful beaches such as Baron Gunung, cloves and Indrayanti. The beach is not much visited because it is not yet widely known. The beach is exactly can be visited in the village of Sidoarjo, District Tepus, Gunung Kidul Regency. The beach is also close to Sundak exactly in the west.(Bali best hotel)

Although the beach Ngandong is not extensive, but its beauty is enchanting. Sloping beaches with clean white sand and blue water make this beach is not inferior to the other shore. On the right the left of the beach there are green karst rocky hills which adds this beautiful beach. There are few amenities offered by the manager of Turkish Ngandong for the tourists. For example it can enjoy the panoramic view and the beauty of the beach by sitting in a chair that was intentionally provided by the owner of the shop or tavern who trade on the waterfront.(Bali holiday villas)

Another great feature on this beach is that you can sail with the boat hire fishermen living around the coast. There are many fishermen who are residing at the beach. You can find out where the fishermen who are renting their boats. If you're not brave then you can ask them to go sailing. Quite sail around Turkish Ngandong Gunung Kidul. At least you can feel what it's like to sail using traditional boats belonging to the fishermen. You will experience an unforgettable experience.  In addition when we headed out to sea using fishing boats, then we will find a source of fresh water come to the surface, so it looks like the water is boiling.(Bali holiday villa)

Just by looking at the scenery around the coast, you will feel pleasure. Because when viewing a coral reef with moss stuck in it, sometimes you can see the small fish that swim in search of food in Bali Tour activity. The waves are relatively mild increasingly making the atmosphere pleasant. Soft sand easier for children to make various toys using sand conformity of their imagination. The beach can be regarded as a safe beach for a family vacation.(Bali private villa)

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