the story Origins Bali Strait

Bali holiday villa Strait is a strait that separates the island of Java and Bali holiday villas. According to the story, both islands were once a land of unity, which is then separated as a miraculous events that have occurred in that area. What events led to the Bali Strait? Follow the story in the story Origins Bali Strait below!

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Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Daha, Kediri, East Java, there lived a brahamana (priest) named Professor Sidi Mantra. He was a pastor wealthy and famous magic mandraguna. In addition, he also has a beautiful wife and a son beautiful and strong and tanpan named Manik Angkeran. Nevertheless, the minister can not live calm and happy, because her only child, Manik Angkeran, has a commendable nature, that likes to gamble. He is always risking the wealth of his parents and in debt to others when losing gamble. This makes Professor Sidi Mantra and his wife felt uneasy, because almost every day people came to his house to collect the debt of his son. That situation lasted for years, so gradually the professor wealth drained.

One afternoon, Manik Angkeran went home with labored breathing.

"Father, Mother! Help me! "Said Manik Angkeran.

"What's the matter, son? What happened to you? "Asked his mother with feelings of anxiety.

"A ... a ... I chased people, Mom!" Said Manik Angkeran with breath still panting.

"Hmm ... you're definitely losing gamble again yes!" Override father.

"Yes, Father! I lost the gamble and could not pay the bet. Help me, Father! They want to kill me, "Manik Angkeran pleaded to his father.

Not long after, there came some young men carrying machetes. They shouted in front of the house told Manik Angkeran out.

"Hi, Manik Angkeran! Out and pay what you owe! "Shouted one young man waving his machete.

Angkeran beads became more frightened. He immediately went to his room to hide. Meanwhile, quietly, Professor Sidi Mantra immediately see the young men standing in front of his house.

"Quiet, O young man! Trust me, I will pay all debts son. But, give me three days to find the money first, "asked the professor Sidi Mantra.

"All right, Professor! We received a request professor. Three more days, we'll come back here to claim the promise professor, "said one young man, then broke up with her friends.

In the evening, the professor Sidi Mantra pray for help to God Almighty. At midnight, he suddenly heard a very clear voice whisper in his ear.

"Hi, Sidi Mantra! Go into the crater of Mount Agung! There is no treasure guarded by a dragon named Dragon Besukih, "the voice prompting.

The next day, the professor went to the Sidi Mantra crater of Mount Agung. After walking quite a distance with a variety of obstacles, he arrived at the venue. He sat cross-legged ring a bell (bell) saktinya while his mouth uttering the name Dragon Besukih. Shortly afterwards, the dragon came out of his hiding place.

"Hi, kisanak! You are who and what you call me? "Asked the Dragon Besukih it.

"I'm the professor Sidi Mantra of Land Jambudwiba. Intentions, I come here to ask for help, "said Professor Sidi Mantra.

"What can I do for you, O MPU? Say! "Exclaimed the Dragon Besukih.

Sidi Mantra masters also expressed purpose of his arrival. Feeling pity, Dragon Besukih immediately stretched his body. Instantly Similarly, gold and diamonds was pouring out from behind the scales.

"Bring it MPU gold and diamonds! Hopefully enough to pay your son's debts. But, remember! Do not forget to advise your son that he would change his behavior! "Cried the dragon.

"Well, the Dragon! Thank you for your help, "said Professor Sidi Mantra.

After taking all the gold and diamonds, Professor Sidi said goodbye to the Dragons. Arriving home, she immediately called her son.

"Oh, my son Manik Angkeran! Father will give you all the gold and diamonds this to you, but on one condition, you have to promise not to gamble anymore, "said Professor Sidi Mantra.

'Well, Father! Manik promised not to gamble anymore, "said Manik Angkeran.

Sidi Mantra masters also believe it in greeting her son. Finally, he handed over all the gold and the diamonds to his son. With feeling happy and excited, Manik Angkeran promptly sold all the gold and diamonds. After that, he went to pay debts. Apparently, the money from the sale of gold and diamonds are not used up to pay off the entire debt. Seeing the amount of money remaining so much, finally he was tempted to return to play gambling. With the money, he hopes to win and earn more money. However, the fate of the other said, he lost his money gambling and was discharged. In fact, he returned heavily indebted. Finally, he returned to his home with a listless face.

"Father! I've paid all my debt to them, "said Manik Angkeran tone limp.

"Yes, that's good then! But, why your face looks matted so? "Asked his father surprised.

"Forgive me, Father! I've been gambling and debt again, "said Manik Angkeran bowing his head.

"What did you say! Basic stubborn child, do not want to hear what mother! "His father snapped.

"Forgive me, Father! Please help me this once, Father! "Manik Angkeran pleaded in front of his father.

"No! Father can not help you anymore. Pay own debt-farthing of it! "Cried the father, blushing.

Manik Angkeran could not do anything. He frantically looking for a way to pay its debts. In the midst of his confusion, he suddenly remembered that his father acquire gold and diamond jewelery in the crater of Mount Agung. He was desperate to steal the clapper belongs father, then went to the crater of the mountain. Once there, he was confused again because they do not understand the prayers and mantras to say. Finally, he tried to ring the bell without saying a spell. After several times rang, suddenly a huge dragon out of the nest and approached him.

"Forgive me, Dragon! Do not devour me! "Pleaded Manik Angkeran.

"Hey, young man! Who are you? Why did you ring the bell without spell? "Asked the Dragon Besukih.

"A ... a ... I Manik Angkeran, the professor's son Sidi Mantra," said Manik Angkeran nervously.

"Hi, Manik Angkeran! There is what you call me with a clapper that you stole from your father? "Asked the Dragon Besukih.

Manik Angkeran also expressed purpose of his arrival. He pleaded to Naga Besukih so that he is given an abundant treasure to pay its debts.

"Dragon! Have mercy on me! People would kill me if it does not immediately pay my debt to them, "Manik Angkeran back pleaded.

See sadness Manik Angkeran, the dragon felt sorry for him.

"OK! I'll help you, but you must promise to stop gambling, "said Dragon Besukih.

After that, the Dragon immediately turned around about to pull out of gold and diamonds through the tail scales. As soon as he was about to menyetakkan tail, suddenly Manik Angkeran immediately drew his dagger and cut the tail of the dragon. Inevitably, the Naga Besukih was thrashing and screaming in pain. When he turned around, Manik Angkeran has been left with its tail filled with gold and diamonds. He tried to chase him, but the professor's son Sidi Mantra that has disappeared somewhere. He only found traces of his soles. Then with his power, he burned the soles of the feet. Manik Angkeran who have gone away to leave the crater of Mount Agung also felt both feet felt hot, and eventually the entire body burned until it became ashes.

Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Daha, Professor Sidi Mantra and his wife was nervous, because their only child disappeared. They've been looking for him everywhere, but not too find it.

"Pa! Where does our son? We've been looking for him everywhere, but nobody knows the whereabouts of citizens? "Asked the wife of Professor Sidi Mantra with feelings of anxiety.

Masters Sidi Mantra was silent, thinking. Moments later, she suddenly startled.

"Well, lest our son went to Mount Agung," said Professor Sidi Mantra.

"Why Father could think so?" Asked his wife.

"I think so, because our son disappeared along with the loss saktiku clapper. He must go to the crater to see the Dragon Besukih, "replied the professor Sidi Mantra.

The next day, the professor went Sidi Mantra into the crater of Mount Agung to look for her son. Once there, he saw Naga Besukih being agitated outside the nest.

"O, Dragon Besukih! Do you see my son? "Asked Professor Sidi Mantra.

"Yes, MPU! Yesterday he was here asking for treasure to pay its debts. However, when I wanted to give him the treasure, he suddenly cut off my tail, then took it away along with the treasure, "said Dragon Besukih.

"Do you know where it goes?" The professor asked Sidi Mantra back with feelings of anxiety.

"Sorry, MPU! You no longer have to look for your son. I have burned them up to fail, "said Dragon Besukih.

Professor Sidi Mantra how shocked to hear the bad news. He also appealed to the dragon that his son revived.

"Forgive me and my son, Dragon! He was the only son. I beg revive him back, "asked the professor Sidi Mantra.

"Well, MPU! For the sake of our friendship, I'll meet permitaanmu. But on one condition, you have to restore my tail, "said Dragon Besukih.

Sidi Mantra masters promised to qualify the Dragon Besukih. By miracle, managed to revive the Dragon Besukih Manik Angkeran. Masters Sidi Mantra immediately went looking for his son. After a long search, he finally discovered his son in a dense forest, and then took her back to the crater of Mount Agung to meet and restore the Dragon's tail Besukih.

Arriving at the crater of Mount Agung, Professor Sidi Mantra soon restore the Dragon's tail Besukih as before. After that, he and the dragon was advised his son that really want to change their behavior. Manik Angkeran realized and promised to follow their advice. As punishment, he had to stay in the vicinity of Mount Agung.

Finally, Professor Sidi Mantra returned to the kingdom of Daha alone. When arriving in the Land of the Citadel, he chalked saktinya stick to the ground to make a line between him and his son. Because of his power, the former incision wand wide increases so inundated with sea water, and place it slowly turned into a strait. By the local community, the strait is named the Strait of Bali villa accommodation.

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Thus the story Origins Bali Tour Activity Strait area of ​​Bali Holiday villas, Indonesia. Lessons to be learned from the story above is that gambling is not commendable behavior that should be shunned. This can be seen in the behavior of Manik Angkeran. In addition to the quiet life is not always being chased people because of debts, it also has drained the wealth of their parents are at stake at the gambling table.

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