Legend of the origin lake batur

Legend of the origin of Lake Batur is the children's story of the people of Bali holiday villa are often told today. This story is often associated with the presence of a giant named Kebo Iwa. But on the other folklore, Kebo Iwa is a military general at the time of King Sri Asta Sura Ratna Earth Banten power. In the children's story of the people is often found in many versions of the legend or the name of the character, if you want more details on this read our article understanding folklore and elements Intrinsic and Extrinsic In Folklore. Well now we are back to the legend of Lake Batur, is he story.
People's Stories Children set: Legend of origin of Lake Batur
Tersebutlah a couple who live in Bali accommodation in ancient times. Both had been married, but have not been blessed with children. Seemed incessantly they pray and ask blessed with children. Prayer and request them finally granted Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. Wife was pregnant and later gave birth to a baby boy.
Baby boy is growing very fast. He was very strong appetite. Although still a baby, his appetite has been the equivalent of ten adults. Over the passing of the time, the baby turned into childhood. Very big strong body and increasing appetite. He also named Kebo Iwa, uncle buffalo meaning of his name.
Increases the body grows Kebo Iwa. Similarly strong increases appetite. Daily eating needs together with the need to eat a hundred adults. Both of her parents were totally overwhelmed fulfill the desire to eat Kebo Iwa.
Kebo Iwa famous grumpy. His anger is explosive, especially if he does not get enough food. If he had been angry, he will destroy anything in Bali Cheap Hotel. He used to ruin people's homes. In fact, the temple was a place of worship without fear-fear of destruction if anger has been rising. Villagers would be terrified if it finds Kebo Iwa was angry. However, the real Kebo Iwa willing to help villagers in need of energy assistance. He was willing to make the well, moving house, land leveling hilly, river dam, or transporting large stones. He would quickly carry out work which is very hard to do most humans it. Of course he asked for compensation in the form of food in sufficient quantities to make it full.

During most of the population to become farmers were getting yields enough, people can still work together provide food for Kebo Iwa. However, when the lean season ', the population began to trouble and overwhelmed to provide food for Kebo Iwa.
Population became very anxious. They are not only worried about the way in search of food in Bali Accommodation for their families, they are also worried about Kebo Iwa. What should be given to Kebo Iwa if they do not have groceries? Kebo Iwa certainly do not want to understand the circumstances being experienced. For Kebo Iwa, if he gets enough food, it will be silent. However, if not, he would be raging uncontrollably.
The villagers then gathered to discuss the problems they encounter in respect of Kebo Iwa it. They planned a strategy to deal Kebo Iwa. If possible, eliminate Kebo Iwa very disturbing. After the talks, the villagers finally found a way to realize their plans Bali Holiday Villas.
All the villagers worked together to collect food. Little by little the food finally gathered up enough numbers for a meal Kebo Iwa. Some residents also worked together to collect limestone rocks. After the meal and limestone available, the village head, accompanied by some of the citizens then see Kebo Iwa.
Kebo Iwa middle relax after eating a few head of cattle belonging to villagers. He was a little bit surprised to see a few people came. He said, "What are you doing here? Do you have enough food makes me satisfied? I'm still hungry! "
"We have more than enough food to make full," said the chief. "We will give everything to you indeed, you are willing to help us."
Heard there was food in sufficient quantities to make a full stomach, Kebo Iwa got up from rebahannya and said, "I certainly want to help you if you gave me food. What can I do for you? "
The village head then explained about the number of homes that have been damaged by raging Kebo Iwa.
"That's because you are not willing to give me food," said Kebo Iwa without feeling guilty. "If you gave me food, I certainly was not going to destroy your house."
"As you know, all of it due to crop failures that we experienced. The crop failures caused by lack of water due to a prolonged drought that continues to this; "said the chief. "In fact, in this land there are in fact plenty of water. Very meIimpah number. Therefore we ask for your help to make a very large well! Water from the well of it will be used to irrigate our fields. If the plants we get enough water, surely we can tackle crop failure. We also no longer trouble to give you food. No matter how well the amount of food you need, we are definitely able to fulfill it. "
Kebo Iwa were delighted to hear a plan village chief. "All right," he said. "It was a very good plan. I'm certainly willing to help you: '
Kebo Iwa then start working. He founded several houses as desired village chief. He then digging at the place specified Village Chief. Very very great strength began to be created. While Kebo Iwa continue to explore, the villagers then collect limestone near Kebo Iwa were digging the ground.
Knowing villagers collect limestone, Kebo Iwa feel amazement. "For what you collect limestone that much?" He asked.
"After you finish creating large wells, we will build you a house. Big house again very beautiful. "Replied the chief. "The house you enormous limestone that would require very much, is not it?"
Kebo Iwa were delighted to hear the answers to the chief. He was more excited to dig the soil. For days he worked hard. Increasingly over time increasingly greater in a well made Kebo Iwa. Water started gushing out until created a large pool. However, the village head kept asking him to dig the soil. Kebo Iwa, according as it continued promised to get the food very much and also made a very large house. The growing hole in the ground again deepened. The water gushing out is also growing.
Kebo Iwa continued to work until he was exhausted and hungry. He asked for time to rest. "Where the food for me?" Shouted Kebo Iwa later.
Villagers came to bring food to Kebo Iwa. Kebo Iwa very happy to find food in very much of it. He ate with great gusto. He continued to eat until his stomach satiety. After the stomach satiety, Kebo Iwa sleepy. A moment later he was asleep snoring. Snoring very loudly.
Having found Kebo Iwa had fallen asleep, the village chief then ordered all citizens to cast limestone into the pits made Kebo Iwa. Beramai- crowded citizens entering limestone, completely unnoticed Kebo Iwa were still asleep in his sleep.
More water gushing out of the ground and limestone are increasingly many citizens put into the pits. Consequently Kebo Iwa becomes clogged nose. Kebo Iwa choking and waking. However, too late for him. The increasingly heavy water gushing and limestone constantly thrown into huge pits made. Although it has a very strong force, Kebo Iwa powerless in the end. Kebo Iwa finally breathed his last in a large pit which she made herself.
Water continued to gush up to overflow and flood the village where Kebo Iwa. The villages around the village also participated flooded. A large lake finally created. The lake was called Lake Batur. Heaps of soil around the lake was turned into a mountain and called Mount Batur.

The moral of the story is the Son of the People: The legend of origin of Lake Batur is to achieve a common goal, let us think and plan well. In practice we need to cooperate and work together

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