Babi Guling Chandra

Surely in while on vacation to the island of Bali Tour Activity, in addition to visiting tourist attractions in Bali, you definitely want to try the typical culinary tour of the island of Bali and one of them is Babi Guling cuisine.

If in Denpasar whether there is a place to eat delicious Babi Guling shop?

If you are currently located in Denpasar tourist attractions and want to try Balinese cuisine Babi Guling, of course, there are many stalls that provide. Only well-known among domestic tourists to the region of Denpasar is a food stall Babi Guling Chandra.

Address Location Babi Guling Chandra
When you are in the city of Denpasar, the food stalls Babi Guling Chandra Denpasar is the place to eat dishes Babi Guling nearby that you can visit, if you want to enjoy the best of Bali accommodation.
Stalls location address Babi Guling Chandra Bali is located at Jalan Teuku Umar, Denpasar, Bali.

Opening hours
Places to eat Babi Guling Chandra Teuku Umar hours starting at 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.. Chandra food stalls Denpasar Teuku Umar is always ready to provide buyers Babi Guling dishes were still fresh and the main destination of domestic tourists who want to taste a very typical Balinese culinary.

According to the shop owner, every day diner Chandra Teuku Umar Denpasar cultivate five to ten pigs medium and large sizes, to meet customer needs. Processed pork imported from local pig farmers throughout Bali holiday villas.

Assisted by 20 employees, stall Chandra cultivate the traditional way. A pig that has been cleaned ready grilled over embers medium size. The fuel used is coconut husks, with the aim to get the maximum roasting and pork cooked evenly. Roasting process is done 1 to 2.5 hours depending on the size of a pig.

Food prices
Almost every day the visitors came and went from the morning towards evening at one of the places to eat in Bali holiday villas.

One serving is sold for Rp 60,000 with menu plate of white rice, a serving pork soup, a serving piece complete with suckling pig 2 pork skewers, vegetable seasoning Bali, better known by the name of lawar.

Spices used for food mixtures are known with complete seasoning or base even. Consists of onion, garlic, ginger, chilies large and small, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric, salt and shrimp paste.

After seasoning mashed and then inserted into the pork belly for roasting. This is what gives distinctive flavor to spice pork roll compared with spices are fried or boiled.

In addition to serving buyers come directly, food stalls Chandra Denpasar Teuku Umar also serve the order rice packets and rice box. One pack of rice sold from Rp 25,000. While one portion of rice boxes sold at Rp 50,000.

Places to Eat in Bali Accommodation
If you come to take your own vehicle, at lunchtime or dinner time, we make sure you will have no trouble getting a parking spot for your car.

Parking space provided is not sufficient, and wear roadside Teuku Umar. Location of places to eat that are the heart of Denpasar lane road almost every day there is congestion.

But it did not deter buyers are mostly Chinese people to try this Balinese cuisine. According to them a sense of Babi Guling Chandra was unmatched compared to other places.

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